WOW, Yes I know I have been bad about not sharing with everyone. Well The last I left off it was still spring. It was a really cold spring. But other then that is was just a slow one. But now the summer that has been packed with a trip to Arizona and just staying busy. Well the summer began with the flight home. The kdis did great again. I could not Thank God enough for the great blessings he has given Brian and I. The first morning we where in AZ we got the best news. Brian past his test for his next rank. So We just want to thank everyone that has prayed us thur the last few test to this one. On our vacation we had the best time visiting family and friends and just plain resting.
Well I have not be the best blogger. But I hope that I do get better at this. Here is one last pic. of the kids pinning on Tech stripes on Brian.