Thursday, September 8, 2011


School Time oh hang on I mean Home school. Yep you are most likely thinking. Wow she is brave or really Amy doing that that is not her. Well thats right its not me its God.
Rhianna, Justin, and Yes Makiah all doing school work.

 Let me take you back to the begenning of 2011. We had just had a teachers meeting with Rhianna's teacher in the fall of 2010 she asked us to get Rhianna checked for ADHD. We put that off till we had another meeting with her and the school counsler till early spring. At this point we did not know what was going on with Rhianna's learning and what to do. But after that meeting and then another about 4weeks later. Brian and I sat down and prayed about what needed to be done. We where to have another meeting with the school to find out where she was what was going to happen inthe next year for Rhianna.This meeting never happend.
Well then God stepped in. Rhianna was getting ready for bed and I was in the room talking to her and I noticed that she had some brusing on her back I asked her what happend. Well at first she did not want to say. So after a few min's she told us she was hit by a girl that had been a friend and an enemy the whole time we have been here. So that was the last full week of school for Rhianna. Then for 2 weeks we where in constant prayer and seeking. Well low and behold with all that prayign and seeking God kept showing us each day what we wanted us to do. So for sure Rhianna was going to be homeschooled  We where ok with sending Justin to school till the phone rang while I was having a nice shopping trip with my Bestie. Here is where God showed us his full plan for our family.
It was Justin's teacher (on the phone) to tell me he was not feeling well and why. She said he was fine and that I need not to come pick him up. The reason my son got sick at school was cause he was told by a classmate of his a very detailed story of something no 6 year old boy should learn at that age. So that night Brian and I said to each other "That was our sign." So that brings us to the hear and now. Our homeschooing adventure that God is derecting everystep and filling everypage with his hand.