OK well This week has been a tough one. Both mind and body. Brian and I where put to the test first by our mind something happened that we really don't want to tell every little thing about it. But some one who we thought was close offended us and when we stood up for what we believe was right. If you think something and want to write it. Make sure you are saying something that truly makes you you. So in this case we found out that that so called friend was not a true friend. Now that whole body thing. Brian is doing great. But his knee is acting up again. For some who may not know Brian had his knee worked on almost 2 years ago. He is having some trouble with it. But he is sticking on going to the gym at 5am. Yes to most of you who know Brian that is a shock. Sleep is his friend. Now for me I have been trying to get to the gym everyday. But today was just one of the days that I was not going to make it. I have to many other things to do. You know all the thing that a wife and mother need to do. But not only having to get things done at home I just was not in the mood. My mind has been stuck on this for most of the morning. I know that God will give me the strength to do his work and also mine.
Rhianna is almost done with school. But we talked it out with her that we think that summer school would be a good thing this year. So she will have a short summer. But it will keep her mind busy. Justin is to the point of not being my little BABY boy any more. He is now my little man. He acts so funny sometimes. He acts like his dad and me sometimes. But then some times I see him acting like Tristin Amy's nephew. They are a lot alike. Makiah my sweet little baby. She is to cute to put in to words. From the first moment she smiled she just brightens the whole room. Yesterday she had that smile working. Every time I looked at her she was smiling. She is walking everywhere now. She loves to be outside. But we all like to be outside. Well Like I said at the beginning of this I have a to do today. So I better get with it.
My cup runs over.
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