Yes I know it is about a week late. I'm trying to post once a month so people back home can know what is going on. Yes fall is here in Italy, Yes a really fall. i had to break out my long sleves shirts before the last day of Oct that to me is a little strange. But I did hear that it is a little fallish back home. Well lets get started with the going ons.
Brian had his knee worked on again. It went great. They did not have to work on his ACL this time. That means he will have a quicker time of healing, and the great thing was no big brace. He was so happy after he woke up from it. The frist thing he did was reach down and touch his leg then looked and me and smiled and said no brace. That was great cause he was not dealing with the thought of having to do that again. So now for him is just physical thearpy. The other great thing is that the church is starting a sunday mornign bible study for men. Brian says he is really looking forward getting in to it. He was also asked to take over the Commander of Awana's. We where waiting on the church to see what they where going to decided. they Voted on him last week. So now Brian is the new Awana Commander. But that is all he says he would liek to to unless God asks. I think that is it for Brian.
Amy is busy keeping up with the house and kids. I have taken on the roll for Sec for Awana, and nursery superviser, and VBS director. But that is it. I will not take on anymore unless one is done and out of my hands. I'm also injoying a new bible study that the women just started on tuesdays. if you asking what about sundays when Brian is in the other class I will be in the nursery for the women that are taking the womens class on sundays. I can only do one bible study at a time. Other then that I'm great I have been trying to get back in to shape. If your saying whatever. I will have to laugh at you. I'm just trying to do up keep the body God gave me. but other then that that is it for me.
Now Rhianna. She is great. She is loving soccer. She wants to try basketball next. We told her that this year she can play things she wants to try. But next year she can only do two. We set that so this year she can find out what she wants to play. Besides sports she is loving her new teacher. She is learning alot about Italy but also about Africa. Her teacher went there this summer and had a blast and that is what she wanted to bring back to the kids this year. Rhianna told me today that she wants to visit there someday. I told her she can do what ever she wants. But only when she is older. LOL. Continue to pray for her she is still having problems with her bladder. Other then that she is a normal seven year old.
Oh Justin. He just had his 5th bday. I know some of you are sayign where has the time gone. He is loving that he can play with Makiah most of the day. They watch TV, and play great together. Justin is also doing great on his school work at home. He missed the start date. That is ok I was just hoping. But that means I can keep him little for a little longer. He is alod playing soccer. But not in games yet they are just teaching him the skills, rules and having fun. he was so happy when they gave him his own soccer ball. He loves it.
Makiah oh Makiah. She is my fire ball. She is trying to say new words. The other day she said Caio. Oh it was the best. She is getting mad at me though cause I keep asking her to say it alot. She even said it to our land lord and he loved it. He speaks just as much English and I do Italian. She is getting bigger. I think that I might potty train her in the spring. But she is sayign the words and today I asked her if she pooped in her diper and not 10 mins later she did it. So I guess I might give in and work more with her. But the quicker the better I guess.
Well I hope this post finds you healthy and fine. Praying for all who read this. Love to all. Amy
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