WOW! The last 2 months have gone by so fast my head is still back in Carnivale. Yes We went to Venice, and it was Carnivale. San Macro square people dressed up. It was great. Brian and I went down there after church on V-day and stayed the night. Here are a few pic's of some of the great costumes.
But that was just part of Feb. The Friday before Brian tested for Tech Sargent. We will not know if he made it till summer. Then the same day I helped with our youth groups yearly Ski & Share. It was a great time. I hung out with the kids that did not Ski but we did Ice skate. It was a busy month but Just mainly just he same old same.But Looking back at it we had a great time seeing new things. Well I know this is short but. I plan on keeping this up a little better now that life is not running at 100 MPH. Well May this find you in good spirts today. God Bless.
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