This month is the start to the holiday season. I was thinking about what to write. First off I'm so thankful to God for giving me such a great family. He has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband that is willing to follow him when he put him self aside. My kids bless me each day when they wake up with their great love. I love hugs in the morning. So now to tell you what has been going on in in Italy. Well it turned cold a few weeks ago. It has the same temps as Northern AZ. But not this year. AZ has been very warm from what I hear. But we have snow on the Dolomite's. They are a site to see when they are covered. We are still trying to get use to not seeing the sun everyday. It makes me a little sad. But then I think to my self. Why? I'm here to see things that others don't and so I get giddy. I know funny right.
Ok so know about the family. We are doing great. God is show us things that we are to be doing in his church. We are having so much fun with AWANA. Brian is now the Commander of the club and I'm his Sec. So he gets to have all the fun and I get to do the paper work. But that is not all I love it that I get to hear the kids say verses and pass a section. I love to see their little faces light up.
Brian is studying for his Tech Sargent test. We did find out that he only has to take the Air Force test and not his job test cause of job moving. He is getting along really well with Phy Therphy. He is now going in 2 times a week. Soon he will be able to get back up to running. But I know he is very weary about it.
The kids. So we have a had the sickness in our house this month. Brian had it first then Rhianna and Justin. Makiah and I have been ok so far. Since soccer is now over the kids seem not to run as much. But I really can't say that either. Rhianna has Girl scouts and Awana and kids choir for church. Wow I know alot right. Justin just has Awana and kids choir. At least most of their activities are the same night. Makiah is just Makiah. She is my fire ball. We are introducing the potty to her. She at least sets on it. May not go yet but soon. I know that this post is a little short but Not much going on lately. But it seems really busy for us. Well I pray that you have Great Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
We are a Christian, Home Educating, Military family. We are learning everyday what God has planned for us while traveling the world.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fall Is here!
Yes I know it is about a week late. I'm trying to post once a month so people back home can know what is going on. Yes fall is here in Italy, Yes a really fall. i had to break out my long sleves shirts before the last day of Oct that to me is a little strange. But I did hear that it is a little fallish back home. Well lets get started with the going ons.
Brian had his knee worked on again. It went great. They did not have to work on his ACL this time. That means he will have a quicker time of healing, and the great thing was no big brace. He was so happy after he woke up from it. The frist thing he did was reach down and touch his leg then looked and me and smiled and said no brace. That was great cause he was not dealing with the thought of having to do that again. So now for him is just physical thearpy. The other great thing is that the church is starting a sunday mornign bible study for men. Brian says he is really looking forward getting in to it. He was also asked to take over the Commander of Awana's. We where waiting on the church to see what they where going to decided. they Voted on him last week. So now Brian is the new Awana Commander. But that is all he says he would liek to to unless God asks. I think that is it for Brian.
Amy is busy keeping up with the house and kids. I have taken on the roll for Sec for Awana, and nursery superviser, and VBS director. But that is it. I will not take on anymore unless one is done and out of my hands. I'm also injoying a new bible study that the women just started on tuesdays. if you asking what about sundays when Brian is in the other class I will be in the nursery for the women that are taking the womens class on sundays. I can only do one bible study at a time. Other then that I'm great I have been trying to get back in to shape. If your saying whatever. I will have to laugh at you. I'm just trying to do up keep the body God gave me. but other then that that is it for me.
Now Rhianna. She is great. She is loving soccer. She wants to try basketball next. We told her that this year she can play things she wants to try. But next year she can only do two. We set that so this year she can find out what she wants to play. Besides sports she is loving her new teacher. She is learning alot about Italy but also about Africa. Her teacher went there this summer and had a blast and that is what she wanted to bring back to the kids this year. Rhianna told me today that she wants to visit there someday. I told her she can do what ever she wants. But only when she is older. LOL. Continue to pray for her she is still having problems with her bladder. Other then that she is a normal seven year old.
Oh Justin. He just had his 5th bday. I know some of you are sayign where has the time gone. He is loving that he can play with Makiah most of the day. They watch TV, and play great together. Justin is also doing great on his school work at home. He missed the start date. That is ok I was just hoping. But that means I can keep him little for a little longer. He is alod playing soccer. But not in games yet they are just teaching him the skills, rules and having fun. he was so happy when they gave him his own soccer ball. He loves it.
Makiah oh Makiah. She is my fire ball. She is trying to say new words. The other day she said Caio. Oh it was the best. She is getting mad at me though cause I keep asking her to say it alot. She even said it to our land lord and he loved it. He speaks just as much English and I do Italian. She is getting bigger. I think that I might potty train her in the spring. But she is sayign the words and today I asked her if she pooped in her diper and not 10 mins later she did it. So I guess I might give in and work more with her. But the quicker the better I guess.
Well I hope this post finds you healthy and fine. Praying for all who read this. Love to all. Amy
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A lot going on.
I know for some of you who read this you have been waiting to hear what is going on with the Greene family.Fist I just have to thank God that we have found a church and are getting active in it. We love the church family. So to start off. Brian and I have been praying that God would put us where we wants us to be. We started off with VBS. We taught the 5th-8th grades. That is fun.VBS was going Amy found out that they need someone to head up next years VBS. We prayed about it, and so Amy will be leading VBS next year. Then During VBS Amy was asked to pray about being a Sec. for Awana. Then the next night Brian was asked what he thinks about the commander position in Awana. So we prayed about it for awhile and we talked it out. So we are now working in Awana. We can not wait for it to start.
Ok Now for Brian. As Some of you know Brian has had one knee surgery. Brian has had some trouble with it. So he has had it checked out again. They are going to have to work on it again. His surgery is set for the Sept 24th. At least we know what to expect this time. But not looking forward to it. He does not like cruches. Who does?
Now Amy. Really not much is going on with her. Just hanging out with the kids. But soon will be busy with Awana, Bible studies and Girl scouts, and sports for the kids.
Now Rhianna. Wow how time flys. She is starting the 2nd grade. This monday she will be on her way to school and soccer, and Girl scouts. She will be one busy girl. But that is good cause she said this summer was boring. Well for her it was.
Now Justin. He is not goign to be starting school. The school over here changed their start date for Kinder kids. He has to be 5 by Sept 1st. Well we missed that by 29 days. That is ok cause I don't think he is ready anyway. But maybe that is the Mom in me too. So he and Amy will do the same thing she did with Rhianna and work with him at home.
Now Makiah. My fireball. Oh Makiah. She is a fireball just like I said. She has her mother manerism and her fathers temperment. She is always in to things and exploring.She is getting so big. She is trying to say more words each day and do things that Rhianna and Justin do.
Well we have a had a busy summer. Brian and I have made it to Vinice for a day. It is nice and can't wait to go back and do more down there. We have not done any other travling. But in time. We have 3 years so we have time. Well I need to go. So everyone that this reachs find in good spirts. May God Bless your day today.
Ok Now for Brian. As Some of you know Brian has had one knee surgery. Brian has had some trouble with it. So he has had it checked out again. They are going to have to work on it again. His surgery is set for the Sept 24th. At least we know what to expect this time. But not looking forward to it. He does not like cruches. Who does?
Now Amy. Really not much is going on with her. Just hanging out with the kids. But soon will be busy with Awana, Bible studies and Girl scouts, and sports for the kids.
Now Rhianna. Wow how time flys. She is starting the 2nd grade. This monday she will be on her way to school and soccer, and Girl scouts. She will be one busy girl. But that is good cause she said this summer was boring. Well for her it was.
Now Justin. He is not goign to be starting school. The school over here changed their start date for Kinder kids. He has to be 5 by Sept 1st. Well we missed that by 29 days. That is ok cause I don't think he is ready anyway. But maybe that is the Mom in me too. So he and Amy will do the same thing she did with Rhianna and work with him at home.
Now Makiah. My fireball. Oh Makiah. She is a fireball just like I said. She has her mother manerism and her fathers temperment. She is always in to things and exploring.She is getting so big. She is trying to say more words each day and do things that Rhianna and Justin do.
Well we have a had a busy summer. Brian and I have made it to Vinice for a day. It is nice and can't wait to go back and do more down there. We have not done any other travling. But in time. We have 3 years so we have time. Well I need to go. So everyone that this reachs find in good spirts. May God Bless your day today.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I know its been a while.

Well alot of things have happened since the last time I was on. You know that Brain did not make Tech Sargent. That is ok with us if you read the last blog it is still funny to us. We are finely putting the last boxes away as I write. The only thing that we have not been able to do is hang things on the walls. The walls here are made really thick. Brick thick. But that is it for the house.
On to the kids. Rhianna is in her last week of summer school. She has had a blast this summer. The class is all about Mystery. One of the first few weeks that had OSI come and tell the kids about what they do. Then last week they had SF come with their dog. We had to tell her not to go up to the dog. But the teachers did the same to reinforce what parents tell the kids. This was good for her to stay busy.
Now Justin he is at that funny stage. Like in what he says. He has had a fun summer also. He has had some swimming lessons. Yesterday when I was thinking about putting him in another set I asked him if he was ready for more. He said No mom I need a break. I was laughing so hard cause he was so serious. So in a few weeks all of the kids will be taking swim classes. That will be fun cause we will be at the pool most of the morning. If it is not raining.
Now on to Makiah. She is starting to use the sign lauange I have been working on with her. Now most of you will say just like her mother. Makiah is a fireball. She is the baby and thinks that she can get away with things. When she does not get her way she stomps her feet really quick and walks away. Then she comes back and trys to suck up. It is so funny. But I know that it is not at the same time.
Well now for us Brian is work regular hours now after a month on 12's. He is now working on the same thing that he did in Korea that he liked to do. The only thing is is that he has to fix what someone else was working on. But he is getting use to being in the shop with new people now.
As for me I have started a new challange. It is 30 days long. I just started monday. It intales getting active. So I have done really good. I just hope I can continue. But I have friends all over the world that are joining me in this challange.
We are also getting ready for VBS. We are teaching the Middle schoolers. I know what soem of you are thinking. But we did pray about it first. Plus the church is having a hard time like all churchs right now finding people to work. Well I think tha tis it for now. I'm going to try to keep up on this more. Ok well need to go and get Active. More later. Blessing from Italy, and God bless.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Things to laugh at.
Well It was a fun day. The kids and I went out and about. First we went our new pastors house and had coffee with his wife and another lady. Then I looked at my text messages as we where leaving and one was from Brian. It said ( no tech this year). Well I had to look at it a few time to get it but I did. I thought about what day it was the 18th. Oh yea we where to find out if he made Tech Seargent or not. He studied so hard for it this last year. So He will not be sowing on his next rank. But funny thing is that he was not as mad as I thought he would have been. Then later on in the day after I had taken the kids to the pool. Brian had called me again. He asked me to tell him how much I thought he missed the test by. I did not know. I said 10 just cause one of our friends missed master by 10. NO he said I missed it by 5.41. So you can understand that better it was like missing 6 questions. The best part was I freaked out and Brain was laughing. Every time we talk about it he just smiles and says next year. I believe he will. Because God has shown Brian alot of strength in what he know Brian can do.. Like taking charge of the work center and a few other things. So now when I or the kids have a question the answer that he use to give is 7 but now it is 5.41. When I had to go pick him up from work today I bought him a gift a new game. He is so funny cause he use to be this hot headed guy that you did not want to tick off. But with a lot of pray and learning. He doesn't get mad as quickly any more. Thank you God for answering our prayers in a different way.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
One body,One mind.
OK well This week has been a tough one. Both mind and body. Brian and I where put to the test first by our mind something happened that we really don't want to tell every little thing about it. But some one who we thought was close offended us and when we stood up for what we believe was right. If you think something and want to write it. Make sure you are saying something that truly makes you you. So in this case we found out that that so called friend was not a true friend. Now that whole body thing. Brian is doing great. But his knee is acting up again. For some who may not know Brian had his knee worked on almost 2 years ago. He is having some trouble with it. But he is sticking on going to the gym at 5am. Yes to most of you who know Brian that is a shock. Sleep is his friend. Now for me I have been trying to get to the gym everyday. But today was just one of the days that I was not going to make it. I have to many other things to do. You know all the thing that a wife and mother need to do. But not only having to get things done at home I just was not in the mood. My mind has been stuck on this for most of the morning. I know that God will give me the strength to do his work and also mine.
Rhianna is almost done with school. But we talked it out with her that we think that summer school would be a good thing this year. So she will have a short summer. But it will keep her mind busy. Justin is to the point of not being my little BABY boy any more. He is now my little man. He acts so funny sometimes. He acts like his dad and me sometimes. But then some times I see him acting like Tristin Amy's nephew. They are a lot alike. Makiah my sweet little baby. She is to cute to put in to words. From the first moment she smiled she just brightens the whole room. Yesterday she had that smile working. Every time I looked at her she was smiling. She is walking everywhere now. She loves to be outside. But we all like to be outside. Well Like I said at the beginning of this I have a to do today. So I better get with it.
My cup runs over.
Rhianna is almost done with school. But we talked it out with her that we think that summer school would be a good thing this year. So she will have a short summer. But it will keep her mind busy. Justin is to the point of not being my little BABY boy any more. He is now my little man. He acts so funny sometimes. He acts like his dad and me sometimes. But then some times I see him acting like Tristin Amy's nephew. They are a lot alike. Makiah my sweet little baby. She is to cute to put in to words. From the first moment she smiled she just brightens the whole room. Yesterday she had that smile working. Every time I looked at her she was smiling. She is walking everywhere now. She loves to be outside. But we all like to be outside. Well Like I said at the beginning of this I have a to do today. So I better get with it.
My cup runs over.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hi from Italy.
Well We have a lot going on. In the last we have gotten our phone and internet. Yeah. Makiah has now mastered walking. She just got up one day and started off. Justin and Rhianna ar not liking it mush cause she is following them around to their rooms. Justin is trying to find his way. He is loving it that his dad is home, he is not the only guy in the house. Rhianna is almost done with school she has about 2 weeks left. Brain is getting setted in to the grove of work.He has been doing great at getting up and goign to the gym every morning. Hopefully we find out soon if he makes his next rank. Amy is just getting the house settled as much as she can. Amy and Justin, Makiah are starting a new rutine of getting up and going to the gym and getting more activ in the morning's instead of the evenings. Well I will keep this up a little more now that we are not in limbo so much anymore. OH hang on that is the life with three kids and a new puppy. Opps forgot about that. Yes we have a new puppy. His name is bear. We got him the same weekend as Makiah's first Bday. Well that is it for today. Have a great week.
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